At 16:03 29/09/2013 Sunday, you wrote:
>My "send from" domain is The mail server domain
>It appears some receiving smtp servers, microsoft, very few, require
>the txt spf record of the sending mail server.
as all should
> Is this correct spf implementation?
> If yes, do all mainstream mail providers that have spf checking check for mail server's spf txt record?
unfortunately many have never even read the docs
> The reason why I am asking is that I would rather put spf record on the outbound mail
>server, ie,
you should as its easy
> rather than on "send from" domain
its not an either or, you should authenticate both, but as always you never have to use spf at all
yes spf is used to check/prevent forgeries on both
the helo/ehlo domain of the sending server
the 'mail from'/envelope-sender
a pass/hardfail/neutral/none/softfail on either (depending on receiver policy) effects the accept/reject decision making
some servers do not bother checking for forgeries of the helo/ehlo, some do
(i know I do with spf,csv,dns and syntax checking to name a few)
it really helps avoid a lot of bot-mail where its obvious the helo is invalid
(as few bots have a domain pointed at their ip that passes any of the above)
and most send mail from domians that do not use spf or do not hardfail so envelope-sender checking is useless in those cases
the reasoning is obvious
setting up an spf for the helo domain is easy (as most mailservers only have one sending ip and there is never a need for a neutral or softfail response)
(protects against people claiming to send their spam via your servers)
additionally hints that your server is potentially well-run which earns trustability points with providers like myself
setting up an spf for the envelope-sender is still advised however
as people can and do send forgeries via otherwise legit un forged smtp servers
and by not protecting your envelope-senders domain you would be allowing anyone to forge it via any other mailserver.
>Thanks in advance
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